Climb aboard!

We don't want to see any clients left struggling when the right help is nearby. So we've worked hard to make adopting Step super easy, and to keep the cost so low that even the smallest charities can access Step.

Onboarding process
Sign up for a 1 month free trial using the link below so you can see Step in action
Step is really easy to use, and provides interactive training as you go, so your team will be providing high-quality, tailored advice in a flash. But we're also on hand to answer any questions you have, and get your team going.
If you like what you see, we can help you upload any of your existing signposting materials into Step, if these contain services we don't already have. You can continue using Step for a small monthly subscription.
Frequently asked questions

Pricing: is this going to be expensive?

No! But as every organisation is different, we'll need to have a quick chat about what volumes of advice you expect to be giving, and what level of service you want from us, so that we can offer you an appropriate paackage.

Can we move our existing directory or resources onto Step?

Can Step be customized to fit our processes?

Can you provide training for our staff?

How does the data service work?

Activate your free trial